Living a Life of Purpose
Living life with purpose and on purpose for the Ultimate Purpose
Josh Zacharias
Josh developed a growing interest in purposeful living and leadership as a young adult. After college, he graduated from Pensacola Theological Seminary and now serves as an assistant pastor at Calvary Baptist Church, Bayswater, VIC, where he finds purpose in loving and serving God and others. Rev411 is a project he has begun to glorify God and add value to others.
My Personal Story: Doubt, Despair, and Deliverance
Doubt and despair plagued me for years. It was not fun. It was awful. Can you relate?
I was raised in a religious home and wanted to be Christian at a young age. I remember asking God to make me a Christian when I was still a kid. However, as I got older, I struggled with questions such as "Is there a God?" and "How do we know the Bible is true?"
Everything seemed like a messy blob of opinions and ideas, but how could I know what was true? Could a person know truth?
On a couple occasions, I thought to myself in despair, "I'm just going to give up on religion. I'm just not going to care about it anymore." But there was always something inside me that would not let me give up. It would never let me give up. In those moments and looking back, I am fully convinced that that something was Jesus.
Jesus Christ has delivered me from a life of uncertainty and despair and given me a life of joy, peace, and hope. Now as I have continued to look at historical facts and at reality as a whole, I believe Jesus provides the best explanation for human existence and the meaning of life. Jesus gives my life purpose, and living for Him is amazing!
I believe He can do the same for you if you will give Him the chance. Your life matters. You are important to God. Even going through the tough times, remember that God loves you and is seeking your best interest. I know from personal experience that this can be hard to believe in hard times. But never forget that God values you and has a purpose for you!